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 ブルーガーベラ/Five Iris Jig/ヒメスミレ







音楽を演奏すること自体本当に好きだし、ジャズを演奏する中でのアドリブだったり、フリー・インプロヴィゼーションだったり、即興的に何かを作っていくことも好きだし、どちらかというと何か形のある者を演奏するより、そういったその場限りの何かを紡ぎ出す方が自分を出すことが出来ると思っている。 けれどこれまで、人が書いてくれた「歌詞」に曲を付けるのは好きで、それは詞の世界観にフレーズや抑揚、展開が支配されて、それがとても気持ちが良いからだ。






2曲目のFive Iris Jig は本来6/8(2拍子),9/8(3拍子),12/8(4拍子) で演奏されるJigというリズムを、5拍子によるジグがあったら面白いんじゃ無いかとおもって作った曲。 Iris は「アヤメ」属の総称。



I am not good at the process of composing music.

I really like playing music, and I also like improvising and making something up as I go along, such as improvising in jazz, free improvisation, and so on. I think that I can express myself more by spinning out something that is only for the moment, rather than playing something that has a form.

However, I have always liked to put music to "lyrics" written by others, because I feel very comfortable when the phrases, inflections, and developments are dominated by the view of the world of the lyrics.

On the other hand, I am not particularly good at writing songs about "something. For example, songs about feelings, emotions, landscapes, places, and people. I tend to avoid music without lyrics because I think it is inevitable that it is basically abstract.

However, I really wanted to express concrete events in music.

I am a fan of an idol group called Momoiro Clover Z, which is known to my acquaintances, and a member of Shiritsu Ebisu Chugaku, a sister group of Momoiro Clover Z, named ''Rina Matsuno''. ''Matsuno Rina'' passed away on February 8, 2017 at the age of 18 from sudden death due to a fatal arrhythmia. Even though I had only seen her live more times than I could count, this event was indeed painful. And I wanted to write a song.

I wrote an improvisation-style song with a free melody that was not controlled by the beat, based on the theme of gerbera, her favorite flower. That was "Blue Gerbera. Somewhere in my mind, I was also thinking of the Irish ballad "Air".

After that, we played this song several times as a ballad, but after a while I thought it would be interesting to make it into a medley of songs with different rhythms, as Irish groups are doing these days, so I added two more songs and finished it, although it took some time. It took some time, but I finished it by adding two more songs.

The second piece, "Five Iris Jig," is a jig rhythm originally played in 6/8 (2 beats), 9/8 (3 beats), and 12/8 (4 beats), but I thought it would be interesting to have a jig in 5 beats. Iris is a generic name for the genus Iris.

The third song, "Iris Violet," is a four-beat rhythm called "Reel," which is a typical Irish rhythm. This song was composed based on the concept that if the Brazilian music genius "Hermeto Pascoal" had created Irish music.

Sometimes people ask me to write more original music after listening to these pieces, but it is difficult for me to do so, or perhaps it would be more correct to say that I can't. Why? Why is that? Probably because I am not good at composing.

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